
воскресенье, 5 июля 2015 г.

Setup/Installation: vKontakte – Social Networks Auto-Poster for WordPress


1. Plugin


1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Google+
4. Pinterest
5. Tumblr
6. LinkedIn
7. Blogger
8. Delicious
9. Wordpress Based
10. Diigo
11. Plurk
vKontakte uses OAuth for authentication and authorization. You need to setup vKontakte Application, connect this application to your blog and authorize it.
Important Note: VK API for uploading images is NOT compatible with “Always use secure connection” setting. If you chooose to make “image” posts to VK please make sure this option is ‘OFF’.

vKontakte Configuration

1. Create an app for your website.

1. Login to your vKontakte account.
2. Go to the Developers page http://vk.com/developers.php. Click “Create New Application” button in the right top corner.
Create New Application

3. Fill “Title”, select “Standalone Application” for “Category” click “Connect Website”. (Important! Make sure you have selected “Standalone Application”, other types won’t work)
vKontakte App
Please use your own information, don’t literally re-type “NextScripts Blog”, “NextScripts.com” and other sample info.
4. Enter your mobile number, get SMS, enter the code.
Phone Confirmation
– Notice Application ID on this page.
vKontakte App

2. Connect vKontakte to your WordPress.

1. Login to your WordPress Admin Panel, Go to the Settings->Social Networks AutoPoster Options.
2. Click green “Add new account” button, select “vKontakte” from the list.
3. Fill “Your vKontakte URL” with your personal vKontakte URL or your Group page URL.
4. Fill “vKontakte(VK) Application ID” from step 4 above.

3. Authorize vKontakte for your WordPress.

1. Click “Update Settings”. Notice new link “Authorize Your vKontakte Account”.
vKontakte App
2. Click “Authorize Your vKontakte Account” and follow the authorization wizard.
vKontakte App
3. Wizard will finish at the page with the long URL. Please copy that URL completely and past it to the “vKontakte(VK) Auth Response” field.
vKontakte App
vKontakte App
4. [Optional – “Pro” only step]. Enter your username and password to be able to create “Text with attachment” post types.
5. Your vKontakte account is ready to use.

How to setup each type of Social Network

Facebook Configuration
2. Twitter Configuration
3. Google+ Configuration
4. Pinterest Configuration

5. App.Net Configuration
6. Blogger Configuration
7. Delicious Configuration
8. Deviantart.com Configuration
9. Diigo Configuration
10. [New] Flickr Configuration
11. FriendFeed Configuration
12. Instapaper Configuration
13. LinkedIn Configuration
14. LiveJournal/Dreamwidth Configuration
15. Reddit Configuration
16. [New] Scoop.It Configuration
17. Stumbleupon Configuration
18. Tumblr Configuration
19. Plurk Configuration
20. vBulletin Configuration
21. vKontakte(vk.com) Configuration
22. Blog.com/Wordpress.com Configuration
23. YouTube Configuration

Have problems? Please check out the Troubleshooting FAQ page.

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